There is no rain, she was born 2.5 kg 25.02.1991, 2024
In the search for free will, I find myself checking the weather data from the day I was born, treating it as my personal star map forecast. I'm not sure what to do so I keep scrolling through a free online tarot reading - connecting the dots - the Internet relies on randomness to stay encrypted and secure. Amid loops of thought, I’ve programmed Langton's Ant into a visual calculator to observe it move from chaos to order. The death spiral of ants becomes the cover image for an article exploring punishment and justice in a world without free will, written by a neuroscientist. Somewhere in the folds of a crumpled napkin, I’ve found meaning—there is maybe a chance to beat yourself with a new desirable self.
glass, PU silicone, plaster, digital print, ready-made
Langton's Ant is a two-dimensional Turing machine with simple rules but complex behavior. Starting on a grid of black and white squares, the "ant" follows these basic rules:
At a white square: turn 90° clockwise, flip the square’s color, move forward.
At a black square: turn 90° counterclockwise, flip the color, move forward.
Different initial configurations and step counts can lead to varied behaviors, but generally, the ant follows three phases:
Simplicity: Early moves create simple, often symmetric patterns.
Chaos: After several hundred steps, a complex, irregular pattern emerges.
Order: Eventually, the ant forms a repeating "highway" pattern after enough steps.
resin 3D print, calculator, Langton ant, LED, battery
PLA print, The Fool card
Embossed napkin The Fool Card
Humans don’t truly have free will, but they have the illusion of it. The implication for the justice system is that we should move away from a focus on justice (an eye for an eye) to a system that emphasizes the practical outcomes of its decisions. Today, when someone has a difficult background, we understand they have less responsibility for their actions. In the future, we might realize this applies to everyone, as no one truly has free will.
Hot glass on CO2 sand muffins
glass, CO2 sand muffins, metal ring, napkin, plaster
"Sì, abbiamo un anima. Ma è fatta di tanti piccoli robot."
Yes, we have a soul. But it's made of lots of tiny robots.
(Giulio Giorelli)
Online tarot scroll shaped bow, finger prints
"how do you feel about yourself" box, plaster, reday-made